Enforcement Penalties

Local Authorities have the legal authority to fine individuals if they fail to provide a relevant Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), Display Energy Certificate (DEC) or Air conditioning Inspection Report (ACIR).

Energy Performance Certificates

The owner of any domestic building or building unit can be fined £200 if an EPC is not issued for their building or building unit that is offered for sale/rent, newly constructed or altered. For non-domestic properties the penalty is 12.5 % of the rateable value of the building, with a default penalty of £750 where this formula cannot be applied. The penalties range from £500 to a maximum of £5000.

A fine of £200 can also be issued to the owner or to any agent working on his or her behalf if the EPC indicator is not displayed on all advertisement in any commercial media relating to the building.

Non Display of EPC

A £500 penalty will be enforced on the occupier of a building for not displaying an EPC is one is required.

Display Energy Certificates

The occupier of a public building can be fined £500 for failing to display a valid DEC at all times in a prominent place clearly visible to the public and fined £1000 for failing to possess or have in his/her control a valid advisory report.

Air Conditioning Report

The penalty for failing to have a valid air-conditioning inspection report is at present fixed at £300.

cannot be applied. The penalties range from £500 to a maximum of £5000.

A fine of £200 can also be issued to the owner or to any agent working on his or her behalf if the EPC indicator is not displayed on all advertisement in any commercial media relating to the building.

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